Just a blog about movies, sandwiches and a bunch of other random stuff.

Saturday, September 1, 2012


It's been a long time since I've posted anything, and even longer since I've posted about a sandwich. But my lunch yesterday at Straight Wharf on Nantucket brought me out of sandwich blogging retirement. A simple BLT served on Something Natural herb bread was my sandwich of choice and by grace of god, if this wasn't the best sandwich that I've had all summer (not a title given lightly considering I have had a sandwich from Something Natural for lunch about 5-6 times every week).

Back to the sandwich, it was three slices of bread all grilled and drenched in butter cut perfectly to match the other ingredients. The lettuce was lightly seasoned with some type of vinegar or vinaigrette dressing to add a accent of flavor to the crisp leaves. Combined with fresh, juicy tomato slices, the vegetables made up the top portion of this decadent creation. On the bottom half of the sandwich, along with a copious amount of mayonnaise, was crispy bacon that completed the B of the LT. From the first bite to the last, this sandwich was flavorful, filling and most of all incredibly delicious. If you're on Nantucket for Labor Day weekend, I insist that you check this culinary creation out.