Just a blog about movies, sandwiches and a bunch of other random stuff.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Top Gun and Quentin Tarantino

I was watching Top Gun a few weeks back and it's not a bad movie by any stretch. There are some really quotable lines and it has Tom Cruise before he got all crazy. But it struck me that between the slow motion sex scenes and the small love story between Goose and his wife, there's some pretty homoerotic stuff in this movie, which I found kind of ironic considering Top Gun being known and recognized as a macho, masculine, hunky film. So I hit the internet to see if anyone else had thoughts on the matter.

Turns out people did, there are a bunch of blog posts and articles all about this. But no one has an opinion stronger (or funnier) than Quentin Tarantino. I should probably mention at this point that I am a huge QT fan, just so you know. Anyways, in this random and otherwise forgettable movie Sleep With Me, QT has this small cameo that has nothing to do with the rest of the movie where he goes through Top Gun scene by scene and exposes it for what it really is. Instead of butchering this epic telling, I'll just stop here and so you can see it for yourself (check out the video below). Enjoy.

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