Just a blog about movies, sandwiches and a bunch of other random stuff.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Why Hype Sucks

I love movies. There I said it, and I doubt that it comes as much of a surprise. The first thing I do when I go on my computer is head to IMDb and check out any new news or trailers that they've posted. So naturally, I get sucked up into all the hype and even create some of it with my own friends. But I need to stop.

After the whole "Sucker Punch" fiasco, where I totally blew the whole movie out of proportion, I really have to slow down my endorsement and excitement over movies. With "X-Men: First Class" coming out on Friday and "Cowboys & Aliens" later this summer my willpower is going to be pushed to the test. In order to do that I just have to remind myself how useless and even negative hype can be.

First, for myself, I know that I'm going to see the movie and there's no need to convince myself that it's going to be amazing and I need to see it, I know I'll see it anyways. But the more important fact that I need to remind myself of is that when I build movies up, there's no way that it will meet expectations. When I'm watching the movie I'm only thinking about how I need to like the movie or all the reasons why from the advertising and hype that I should like the movie. And it doesn't matter what the movie is actually like, it's a completely mental and psychological game at that point.

I don't know, sorry if you had to read all this. I'm just thinking out loud.

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